Recently some friends and I had an “art day” and gathered at my friend Mardie’s house with our art supplies. After many hours, it was time to go. But as we were all saying our goodbyes, up the stairs came a delightful young woman named Brittany.

And THEN she brought out some of her recent journals. Can you believe these beautiful pages? I’m just overwhelmed by her design and color sense, as well as her unique ability to create imagery that is at the same time very “real” and “messy” and very, very appealing. (Frankly, I’m jealous.)

I asked if I could share some of her pages here with you, and she said yes! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.








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Brittany Anne Baier
Issaquah, WA

I grew up in Port Orchard, a small town on the Kitsap Peninsula, surrounded by the Puget Sound.

My boyfriend’s mother got me into journaling. She has a spacious studio with gobs of art supplies. Very inspiring. I bound my first journal about two summers ago, and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’ve always been a collector though, and I got my creativity from my mother.

Playing in my journal is maybe the only regular thing I do that is strictly for myself. When I have my paints and papers scattered on my bed, I feel warm and safe. When I finish a page, I have a huge sense of fulfillment that’s unlike anything else. It makes me happy in the most basic of ways.

I don’t have a website or an Etsy page, but I have some pages up at flickr. I can be reached by email at brittanybaier527[at] I hope to get an Etsy account set up in the near future.