“Paint Your Garden” with Diane Culhane from Silly U on Vimeo.

Acrylic Painting
2-Week Class; 6 Lessons Total

Class Session: June 2-14, 2014


We will explore six different painting techniques that deal with how we touch the surface of our paintings and the characteristics of the paint itself, including: Sgraffitto , Masking,  Frottage Texturing & Blown Blots.

These techniques will become essential tools, not only for creating areas of mystery and intrigue in your work, but also for inspiring new ideas as your paintings evolve.

We will start by making test paintings of each technique to discover how viscosity and the physicality of the surface play a foundational role in the creation of a painting.

Our test paintings will then become an opening conversation, leading the way to three completed paintings of your garden, real or imaginary.





Lesson #1: Sgraffito & Stippling
Lesson #2: Paint Your Garden!
Lesson #3: Masking & Drawing Gum
Lesson #4: Paint Your Garden!
Lesson #5: Frottage & Blown Blots
Lesson #6: Paint Your Garden!


Class begins in less that two weeks! Click HERE for details and to sign up.