Hi everyone!

This past June we did something we have never tried before… we flew an artist from Europe to Seattle to film a class! The artist is the delightful Nelleke Verhoeff, and her new class will open for registration this coming Friday, August 30th!

I wanted to you get to know Nelleke a little bit, so I asked her to answer three questions. Answer #2 is below, with the last coming tomorrow.



Nelleke Verhoeff, The Netherlands

2.What kind of animal do you think you are, and what kind of animal are you actually?


Hahaha, funny question! I think I am a monkey. I like to play. Hopping from one tree to the other.

But actually I’m an elephant, because I’m not as flexible and adventurous as a monkey. 😉


Now it’s your turn! What kind of animal do you think you are, and what kind of animal are you actually? (This question was made up by our son Wes, 24, who stayed with us this summer.) Please answer in the comments!

Me? I think I’m a dog, all laid back and wiggly… but I’m actually a cat, all moody and prickly. (I do lie down and purr a lot, though!)

Tomorrow Nelleke will answer the question:

3. Name the top three reasons you draw and paint.