Hi everyone!

This past June we did something we have never tried before… we flew an artist from Europe to Seattle to film a class! The artist is the delightful Nelleke Verhoeff, and her new class will open for registration this coming Friday, August 30th!

I wanted to you get to know Nelleke a little bit, so I asked her to answer three questions. Here is her last answer!




Nelleke Verhoeff, The Netherlands

3. Name the top three reasons you draw and paint.

1. Because I LOVE it!!!

I like to play with colors and create characters, small stories and new worlds.

(Below a recent work from my collage project.)


2. I like to experiment and  keep learning and growing. That’s why I also keep taking classes every now and then… to develop my skills, learn new techniques and ways to express myself.

 (“Dancing forest” was some homework for an inspiring illustration class I took last year)


3. I love to bring some joy into the world with my work. I like positivity and playfulness (I’m still a big child) and I love to share it.

{“Affirmation Angela,” a little affirmation angel I made to support positive thinking 🙂


4. It makes me look differently at the world. Everywhere I see characters. In people, but also in animals, things, food and even in letters… It makes my world so much richer!


5. It brings me to new and inspiring places like the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy, Ilustrarte in Portugal… and now even to Seattle!!


My website: https://redcheeksfactory.com/

On Instagram I share often works from my sketchbook: https://www.instagram.com/redcheeksfactory/


Thank you, Nelleke, for taking the time to answer these questions… I can’t wait for your class to begin… I plan to follow along myself!

